

Mittwoch, 16. September 2020

20200916 Prozessauftakt gegen den mutmasslichen Dopingarzt Dr. Mark S.

Prozessauftakt gegen Dr. Mark S. im Landgericht München II


Ein Paukenschlag Anfang 2019 machte den bisher relativ unbekannten, mutmaßlichen Dopingarzt Mark S. aus Erfurt bekannt. Da erfolgte eine Razzia im Athletenhotel bei der Nordischen Ski WM in Seefeld und man fand bei dieser Betretung noch einen der Langläufer mit einer Injektionsnadel im Arm auf seinem Zimmer vor. Während in Seefeld die Zimmer von Sportlern durchsucht wurden, war es in Erfurt eine Arztpraxis. Das daraus resultierende Ermittlungsverfahren nannte man „Operation Aderlass“.

Ausgelöst wurde der ganze Skandal durch ein Interview im Fernsehen. Fünf Wochen später fanden die daraus resultierenden Razzien in Österreich und Erfurt statt. Man durchsuchte elf Objekte und nahm fünf Beschuldigte vorläufig in Haft. Was folgte waren viele Dopingprozesse in Innsbruck wo österreichischen Sportler zu verschiedensten Strafen verurteilt wurden. Der Sportarzt Mark S. hingegen wurde in Untersuchungshaft genommen und saß nun eineinhalb Jahre in Untersuchungshaft.

Seit 2011 soll Dr. Mark S. vor allem in Deutschland und Österreich besonders im Rad- und Wintersport, systematisch Blutdoping begangen haben und damit sicherlich eine Menge Geld verdient haben.

Um die sportliche Ausdauer- und Leistungsfähigkeit zu steigern, soll Dr. Mark S. die Blutentnahme, den Austausch, die Trennung der Blutbestandteile, die eigentliche Behandlung, die Lagerung und vor den Bewerben die Wiederzufuhr vom manipulierten Blut durchgeführt haben. Dieses Verfahren nennt sich Eigenblutdoping. Ebenfalls im Rauim steht die Verschreibung von Wachstumshormonen an Sportler.

Der Aktenstapel am Landgericht München II umfasst nunmehr 54 Aktenordner, die Anklageschrift hat 154 Seiten.

Heute um 09:30 Uhr fand nun der Prozessauftakt in München statt. Der Prozess ist bis Anfang Dezember angesetzt und man darf auf die Urteile in dieser Sache gespannt sein. Bis zu zehn Jahre Haft sieht das Gesetz für die Anklagepunkte vor.

Alles in allem wird es ein spannender Prozess und man darf gespannt sein, ob noch Namen weiterer Sportler im Zuge der Einvernahmen auftauchen werden. Interessant ist auch, wer sagt von den geladenen Zeugen aus und wer belastet wen? Es werden also 26 spannende Verhandlungstage bis Dezember.

(Bildquelle: EPA Fotopool)

Mittwoch, 16. September 2020


+++ ATTN EDITORS: DEFENDANT'S FACE PIXELIZED DUE TO COURT ORDER +++ Defendant Mark S. (C) stands between his lawyers Alexander Dann (2-R) and Juri Goldstein (2-L), prior to the trial on allegations of organized doping practices in a courtroom in Munich, Germany, 16 September 2020. The Erfurt-based German physician has supposedly provided illegal performance enhancing blood transfusions as a well-organized service to some 21 athletes from various disciplines, several of whom have confessed. His practice was uncovered during the multinational Investigation ‚Operation Aderlass‘ (Operation Bloodletting) after doping admissions by an Austrian cross-country skier in February 2019.
Image ID: Dopingprozess gegen Dr. Mark S 36.JPG


+++ ATTN EDITORS: DEFENDANT'S FACE PIXELIZED DUE TO COURT ORDER +++ Defendant Mark S. (R) stands next to his lawyer Juri Goldstein (L), prior to the trial on allegations of organized doping practices in a courtroom in Munich, Germany, 16 September 2020. The Erfurt-based German physician has supposedly provided illegal performance enhancing blood transfusions as a well-organized service to some 21 athletes from various disciplines, several of whom have confessed. His practice was uncovered during the multinational Investigation ‚Operation Aderlass‘ (Operation Bloodletting) after doping admissions by an Austrian cross-country skier in February 2019.
Image ID: Dopingprozess gegen Dr. Mark S 29.JPG


+++ ATTN EDITORS: DEFENDANT'S FACE PIXELIZED DUE TO COURT ORDER +++ Defendant Mark S. (R) stands next to his lawyer Juri Goldstein (L), prior to the trial on allegations of organized doping practices in a courtroom in Munich, Germany, 16 September 2020. The Erfurt-based German physician has supposedly provided illegal performance enhancing blood transfusions as a well-organized service to some 21 athletes from various disciplines, several of whom have confessed. His practice was uncovered during the multinational Investigation ‚Operation Aderlass‘ (Operation Bloodletting) after doping admissions by an Austrian cross-country skier in February 2019.
Image ID: Dopingprozess gegen Dr. Mark S 28.JPG


+++ ATTN EDITORS: DEFENDANTS FACE PIXELIZED DUE TO COURT ORDER +++ Defendant Mark S. stands betwee his lawyers Alexander Dann (L) and Juri Goldstein (R), prior to the trial on allegations of organized doping practices in a courtroom in Munich, Germany, 16 September 2020. The Erfurt-based German physician has supposedly provided illegal performance enhancing blood transfusions as a well-organized service to some 21 athletes from various disciplines, several of whom have confessed. His practice was uncovered during the multinational Investigation ‚Operation Aderlass‘ (Operation Bloodletting) after doping admissions by an Austrian cross-country skier in February 2019.
Image ID: Dopingprozess gegen Dr. Mark S 27.JPG


+++ ATTN EDITORS: DEFENDANT'S FACE PIXELIZED DUE TO COURT ORDER +++ Defendant Mark S. (R) tals with his lawyer Juri Goldstein (L), prior to the trial on allegations of organized doping practices in a courtroom in Munich, Germany, 16 September 2020. The Erfurt-based German physician has supposedly provided illegal performance enhancing blood transfusions as a well-organized service to some 21 athletes from various disciplines, several of whom have confessed. His practice was uncovered during the multinational Investigation ‚Operation Aderlass‘ (Operation Bloodletting) after doping admissions by an Austrian cross-country skier in February 2019.
Image ID: Dopingprozess gegen Dr. Mark S 24.JPG


+++ ATTN EDITORS: DEFENDANT'S FACE PIXELIZED DUE TO COURT ORDER +++ Defendant Mark S. (R) arrives next to his lawyer Juri Goldstein (L), prior to the trial on allegations of organized doping practices in a courtroom in Munich, Germany, 16 September 2020. The Erfurt-based German physician has supposedly provided illegal performance enhancing blood transfusions as a well-organized service to some 21 athletes from various disciplines, several of whom have confessed. His practice was uncovered during the multinational Investigation ‚Operation Aderlass‘ (Operation Bloodletting) after doping admissions by an Austrian cross-country skier in February 2019.
Image ID: Dopingprozess gegen Dr. Mark S 25.JPG


+++ ATTN EDITORS: DEFENDANT'S FACE PIXELIZED DUE TO COURT ORDER +++ Defendant Mark S. (R) arrives next to his lawyer Juri Goldstein (L), prior to the trial on allegations of organized doping practices in a courtroom in Munich, Germany, 16 September 2020. The Erfurt-based German physician has supposedly provided illegal performance enhancing blood transfusions as a well-organized service to some 21 athletes from various disciplines, several of whom have confessed. His practice was uncovered during the multinational Investigation ‚Operation Aderlass‘ (Operation Bloodletting) after doping admissions by an Austrian cross-country skier in February 2019.
Image ID: Dopingprozess gegen Dr. Mark S 23.JPG


+++ ATTN EDITORS: DEFENDANT'S FACE PIXELIZED DUE TO COURT ORDER +++ Defendant Mark S. (2-R) arrives next to his lawyer Juri Goldstein (L), prior to the trial on allegations of organized doping practices in a courtroom in Munich, Germany, 16 September 2020. The Erfurt-based German physician has supposedly provided illegal performance enhancing blood transfusions as a well-organized service to some 21 athletes from various disciplines, several of whom have confessed. His practice was uncovered during the multinational Investigation ‚Operation Aderlass‘ (Operation Bloodletting) after doping admissions by an Austrian cross-country skier in February 2019.
Image ID: Dopingprozess gegen Dr. Mark S 22.JPG


+++ ATTN EDITORS: DEFENDANT'S FACE PIXELIZED DUE TO COURT ORDER +++ Defendant Mark S. (R) arrives next to his lawyer Juri Goldstein (L), prior to the trial on allegations of organized doping practices in a courtroom in Munich, Germany, 16 September 2020. The Erfurt-based German physician has supposedly provided illegal performance enhancing blood transfusions as a well-organized service to some 21 athletes from various disciplines, several of whom have confessed. His practice was uncovered during the multinational Investigation ‚Operation Aderlass‘ (Operation Bloodletting) after doping admissions by an Austrian cross-country skier in February 2019.
Image ID: Dopingprozess gegen Dr. Mark S 20.JPG


+++ ATTN EDITORS: DEFENDANT'S FACE PIXELIZED DUE TO COURT ORDER +++ Defendant Mark S. (R) arrives to the trial on allegations of organized doping practices in a courtroom in Munich, Germany, 16 September 2020. The Erfurt-based German physician has supposedly provided illegal performance enhancing blood transfusions as a well-organized service to some 21 athletes from various disciplines, several of whom have confessed. His practice was uncovered during the multinational Investigation ‚Operation Aderlass‘ (Operation Bloodletting) after doping admissions by an Austrian cross-country skier in February 2019.
Image ID: Dopingprozess gegen Dr. Mark S 21.JPG